Massachusetts Sportsmen's Council

The Massachusetts Sportsmen’s Council is a statewide umbrella organization serving as a strong, unified voice to preserve the rights of Massachusetts’ sportsmen and women and other conservationists with a shared interest in protecting and enhancing our natural resources.

The MSC represents all sportsmen and women of Massachusetts representing approximately 300 sportsmen organizations concerned with man’s fragile relationship with the out-of-doors.

Formed in 1929 by a handful of foresighted sportsmen who recognized the need to organize under one statewide body, our forefathers laid a strong foundation by working for the creation of the independent state Fisheries and Wildlife Board, securing dedicated funding for the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, and guaranteed access to the Great Ponds of the Commonwealth.

Today, we continue to build on that strong foundation to insure that the future of hunting, fishing, trapping, and other forms of outdoor recreation in the Commonwealth is preserved for our children and future generations.

Our Mission

To promote, protect, and perpetuate all fishing, hunting, trapping, firearms ownership, the shooting sports and compatible and related forms of outdoor recreation; the conservation of natural resources, multiple use of lands and water, public access to lands and water, public education in the wise use and enjoyment of natural resources, and colonial rights; and to foster good sportsmanship in the safe enjoyment of these great natural heritages.

To advise state, federal and local legislative assemblies and state and federal agencies dealing with the subjects of our concern as to the desires of organized sportsmen relative to: fish and game laws and wildlife management, including propagation, distribution, regulations, license fees, law enforcement, conservation of natural resources, the elimination of pollution, multiple use and public access to lands and water, the right to own properly use firearms, dogs off-road vehicles, boats, trap and other equipment relating to sportsmen’s activities, land and water use regulations which affect sportsmen’s activities, and such other matters as may from time to time be of concern to the members of the Council.

To assist in organizing the sportsmen of the Commonwealth in sportsmen’s clubs and County League’s of Sportsmen’s Clubs, to promote their mutual co-operation for the common good of all, to encourage their membership in the Council, and to promote and assist the formation of Junior Organizations wherein the youth of the Commonwealth can learn and participate in good sportsmanship.

To cooperate with other organizations with similar purposes and aims; to maintain a co-operative liaison with state, federal, and local agencies dealing with the subjects of our concern. To foster cooperation with landowners. To support professional management of our fisheries, wildlife and other natural resources and to oppose legislative control of fish and game laws.

To introduce and assist in passing laws that may affect favorably the objects in this article; to oppose legislation or regulations unwise and/or unfavorable to sportsmen

General Events

Name Date and Time